Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft to help in zero-emission
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Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft to help in zero-emission

An approach towards storing liquid hydrogen has been initiated in the market and among the aircraft industry. When it comes to handling and running a business to gain sustainability, several industries and firms are racing to step on the top position. It is a similar scene with environmental issues such as reducing the carbon emissions, […]

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Plastic waste and its impact on the world’s oceans and pollution
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Plastic waste and its impact on the world’s oceans and pollution

A lot of changes are occurring this year, but some things that came with COVID-19 included climate change, awareness for better health care, global GDP, unemployment, and a lot of other unfortunate events. But the one thing that has been rising at a constant pace with each year, is the plastic waste and especially the […]

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Cybersecurity post-COVID-19 and its Compulsion
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Cybersecurity post-COVID-19 and its Compulsion

There is nothing new about COVID-19 now, whatever is left includes its impacts, post COVID-19 situations, and management of keeping up the normal scenario in view by overcoming the disruptions witnessed during the initial stage of COVID-19. There are many such issues such as risk management during a crisis, business continuation plan, and adopting better […]

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